Friday, 26 April 2019

Development History - 1930s Semis by Roses

I was talking (through the fence) to my attached neighbour Alan last week whilst he was tidying up his garden ready for selling his house and he reminded me of a few things I'd forgotten he'd told me before and also told me some new things about the houses we live in.  I find the history of housing fascinating, so assuming you do too...

The first thing is, there's LOADS of these 1930s semi detached houses in the area surrounding the college - vaguely indicated in red on this Google Map. I say vaguely because I've no real idea of the west side of the college and playing field, I've not ventured that far very often on my mobility scooter. The Z icon indicates a particular house that's not been changed in it's lifetime structurally (nor redecorated since the 1980s by the look of it) in Alfred Street that shows how these houses originally looked.  My house is down by the (UK) bit of the Gainsborough College label.

1930s semis - little boxes all the same

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Adding functionality to the Utility Area

As I mentioned in the first post in this series about making my new house disabled friendly, after I bought the house but before I moved in, the family organised builders to do some work before I moved in. Here's a list of what I remember them doing (there may have been more)
  • take away the 'step' level in the living room, replacing the laminate at the same level (ish) as the rest of the floor
  • organise plumbing for a dishwasher (taking out a kitchen cupboard to do so) under the draining board, which also meant reorganising the external waste plumbing out to the back of the house near the
  • redo the external plumbing from the upstairs bathroom as the piping/collection was rather old and cracked
  • create a Utility sink area and cat flap down near the WC in the utility area.
And it's the Utility Area that this post is about.

What the Utility area looked like BEFORE
Utility Before - the photographer closed the WC door
 And what it looked like AFTER
Utility After - I left the WC door open

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

My New House - When I bought it

Ok so time for a confession, I've been thinking about writing this post since summer 2017 when we found the house for me to live in on moving from Northumberland to Lincolnshire. And now it's nearly summer 2019 Yikes!!!

In my defence, it's taken this long to work out how the new house needs to be adapted for my needs, but as I've nearly got my act together on the downstairs, it seems a good time to pull my finger out and get started!

So. This new house? What's it like?
Front elevation of the house from estate agent particulars 2017