Wednesday 18 December 2013

Another blog? Are you mad?


Seriously, I know, I have 2 already - Click on the About Me in the sidebar to go to them, not that I update them these days.  Anyway...

Because I'm ill. More ill than I've ever been before, with something that they don't know what causes it, nor how to fix it.

If I held grudges I'd be being very grumpy for believing the 'if you follow our guidance you won't ever end up in a wheelchair' (then my biggest fear). But you know, can't fault them, they were right - I followed the guidance, I still got ill, but it's true, I'm not in a wheelchair, I can't sit up for long enough and have no energy to push it! (gotta take the humour where you can!)

What do I have? Call it what you will - it's just a label for identifying what they can't fix - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Yuppie Flu.  For years it was moderate and I hid it as much as I could in case it affected my work prospects: now it's severe, I don't see the point of hiding it any more.

So why this blog?

To help others by sharing the stuff I've found out since I was diagnosed in 2007.  And particularly since I suffered a major relapse in the spring of 2013 - it was a time of fear and distress and terror for me and my family.

And being selfish, I'm a bit fed up of typing out the same old advice on my own personal experience on various forums when people ask what are essentially very similar questions.

What will the blog do?

It's going to try and bring together links and information on areas that may be of use to the terrified or just sheer too knackered to look for themselves so that they've got one place to go to (once or repeatedly). In easy to read and understand chunks. Because hey, I KNOW how hard it is to concentrate!

There's going to be an INDEX and also sensible TAGS to make it easier to navigate.

Feel free to copy & paste the links if you think it would help - if you copy & paste any text, please make sure that you CREDIT the original writer of it!

Comments, suggestions, bouquets & brickbats welcome!

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